What is Going On With Cynical Gaming Blog?

So I need to address a few things people may have noticed on the site and people may not know what has been going on if they haven’t been following my Youtube channel. Basically as you have probably noticed, there haven’t been many written articles published to the site as of late but I have been posting videos periodically onto the site and there are reasons for this. Firstly last year was a difficult year and I felt that I needed to take a break from making reviews after my Musashi Samurai Legend review as last year I made two reviews back to back on new games that just got released around the time and during that time I was going through a bit of a crisis in my life. Fast forward to today and well, I’ve been kinda busy with a few things IRL and therefore I have decided to focus on specific forms of content that I find to be easy to do and aren’t too taxing to make.

The first of these videos was the Rate The Create series, an attempt to offer something fresh and different to the Youtube side and to Cynical Gaming Blog with the purpose of focusing on the creation features in games so that people can get a good understanding of how customizable the feature is, while showcasing examples on how players can create things through video, something which I cannot do in a blog format. While the series hasn’t really been all that successful in views, I’ve been enjoying making them and I feel that they bring a little bit of variety to a channel that was once about just reviews and theorycrafting.

Secondly I did a poll on the Youtube side so that I could get some information on the types of videos people want to see on the channel. As Overrated & Underrated got a sizable amount of votes, I brought that series back. It hasn’t really been all that successful however so I’m skeptical as to whether it’s something that should stick around or not.

Thirdly I have been trying my hand at making tier list videos, something that I thought was easy enough to do and would keep my channel active. It appears that my first tier list video where I ranked every tri-Ace game did surprisingly well despite the horrible audio and being off the cuff so I am looking to keep doing more of those kind of videos in the future.

So what does this mean for reviews? Am I done making them? Not necessarily, there are still games out there that I am interested in reviewing it’s just that at this current time in my life I do not have as much time to spare for making content and I’ve also been a bit burnt out after last years reviews, it gets tiresome going from one game to the next as I try to give my all to delivering the highest quality content I can and with the poll clearly displaying an interest in other content as opposed to reviews, I can clearly see that people do not care enough about my reviews to warrant me continuing, which is sort of relieving to hear. It’s probably for the best since if I kept reviewing games, the quality would inevitably decline.

Due to the way the site is presented, it may appear as if I have abandoned it completely with my last review being months ago and video content doesn’t tend to be stickied. I want to make it clear that I am not done with Cynical Gaming Blog, though there may come a time where I am more-or-less finished with it but that time has not yet come (totally not a Chaos Legion reference).

Ultimately though, just expect a bit of a quiet year this year for the most part. I recommend if you haven’t already to subscribe to my youtube channel to keep up to date with my content on there as it may be easier to keep you updated on stuff on there, though I will still try and keep people updated on here. I am not completely abandoning written content though so don’t worry about that, it’s just not my number 1 priority at this point that is all.

I thank all of you for sticking with me all this time and hope that you can understand the situation and stick around to support what little I can provide.